July 27

Why You Need A Qualified Gas Plumber

Did you know that residential gas consumption in Australia triples in winter compared to its usage in the warmer seasons? When the temperature drops, people tend to whip up warm, hearty meals for their families over the kitchen cooktop, enjoy steamy showers as the light dips earlier and keep warm at home with a gas heater.

Gas is an essential comfort during winter, but what happens when pipe systems corrode or leakages occur? As gas is a highly flammable material, it’s essential to get a qualified gas fitter on board to deal with the dangerous task of installing or maintaining your gas systems. Below, we outline three reasons why you should hire a qualified gas plumber for your job.

1. Qualifications are required to work on gas lines

Only licenced professionals are legally permitted to work on gas lines, as training, experience and qualifications are required to deal with government regulations. Gas fitters must also be registered with the Queensland Building and Construction Code as a contractor, so make sure you check that the plumber you work with holds the right licences. The bottom line? An everyday plumber can’t carry out gas fitting work due to legal requirements, so to avoid losing your insurance or the warranty on your product, hire a qualified professional.

2. Specifically trained to work with gas

While regular plumbers can provide a range of services concerning pipework, gas fitters have niche expertise in installing, maintaining and repairing gas systems. Their abilities include the installation of fire collars, gas hot water systems, ovens, stoves, heaters and more. Working with a qualified contractor means that safety will be key, as licenced fitters can ensure that all appliances are connected correctly and receive the correct amount of gas.

3. Experts at gas leak detection

Natural gas is colourless and lighter than air, so it can be difficult to identify and locate a gas leak within your home. If you notice a change in the flame in your burners, see bubbling near your gas pipes or smell sulphur in your home, immediately contact your local Brisbane gas plumbers. As these professionals understand how to read building plans, they can pinpoint where your gas lines are located and easily discover the source of the leakage.

Need A Professional Gasfitter? Contact S&J Plumbing and Gasfitting

Are you thinking about installing a gas system in your Brisbane home, or need to have your pipes repaired? Contact the team at S&J Plumbing to get a professional gas fitter on your side.

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